Special Needs Children

Children with developmental disabilities, physical disabilities, neurological disorders, or other health issues provide additional challenges to families. As the mother of a child on the autism spectrum whose problems were long undiagnosed, I have experienced some of the difficulties that families face.

Children with neurological disorders such as Autism, Asperger’s Syndrome, or Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) sometimes require parenting techniques that seem contrary to typical parenting. Services I can provide to families of special needs children include the development of behavioral management plans, consultation and advice regarding school and extra-curricular activities, attendance and advocacy at Individual Education Plan (IEP) meetings, as well as emotional support and counseling.

As the parent of a daughter on the autism spectrum, I have first hand experience with the challenges of schooling, individual education plans (IEPS), applying for services with Regional Center, and day-to-day parenting.